Monday, August 18, 2014

Why a Stock Market CRASH Will Cause Major Loss in Pension Funds!

In an attempt to seek increased profits, the bankers have decided to use pension fund money to gamble with. This has only exacerbated the debt problem as they continue to EVAPORATE the wealth of the citizens. It is commonplace now for bankers to receive massive bonuses before the worst of the worst comes down upon us. Pension funds have already been looted and this will be widespread causing major upheaval.

Many states and cities have been under-paying or non-paying their required contributions into public pension funds for years, causing massive shortfalls that are seldom reported upon by local outlets.
As a solution to the fiscal crises, unions and voters are being told that a key solution is seeking higher yields or more diversity through "alternative investments,
A Hard Lesson from Motown: They Will Steal Your Pension
How LA Worker’s Pension Fund was Looted and Why LA Runs a Deficit
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