Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What The Prison Industrial Complex Can Do For YOU!

Thanks to for-profit private prisons and a racist criminal justice system, there are a lot of people in prison... black people.

Let's see. About 2,5 million prison population. Only 5% of them are female. Males receiving 60% longer sentences for equal crimes than their female counterparts. Conditions in female prisons being significantly better than in male ones due to bigger budgets. I'd say that your sexism problem outweighs your racism problem. But keep racebaiting to distract people from realizing who the real privileged class is.

1 comment:

  1. Racism is 400 years old. Jailing Black people won't bring the economic US back. God will not alow that. Time up for racism. 6000 years up.for the racist.being on the planet.
