Saturday, August 2, 2014

Welcome to The Hardest Prison in Norway

This is how all prisons should be. people go to prison to learn how to be a part of the society, not become worse than what they were when they got in. in america people rape, torture, beat and kill other inmates, then they get released back to society. is that really the kind of people we want on the streets?
the US system is a business. Here, we are locked in "prison does you good" but things are changing - forced more by money, than benevolence - and let's hope they get it right! Kids do wrong, and we teach them a better way - grown-ups are little different. Of course, for some, there's no other way.

A fascinating look into the modern "Progression Jail" which focus on rehabilitation instead of "keeping people in a box" as one guy in the clip comments. I guess this isn't suitable for everyone, but for those are able to grab a new chance at a normal life - it surely beats being locked up in a cell all day.

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