Sunday, August 10, 2014

Webster Tarpley: “ISIS” in Iraq Composed of...

“ISIS” in Iraq Composed of Same Fanatics NATO Armed and Supplied in Libya and Syria; Time for Gulf Monarchies to Stop Backing Death Squads — or Else; No Bombing of Iran Or Syria; Due To Murderous Fascist Offensive, Russian Humanitarian Measures in Eastern Ukraine May Be Unavoidable.

1 comment:

  1. Imagine Georges Orwell’s 1989 realm: America, France and Britain, Europe Russia and china: (WAR IS PEACE, PEACE IS WAR. Obama, congress Washington, represents war and Russia Putin represents peace. As we have (1989 more appropriate collapse of Soviet Union), Russia wants peace but is considered war by American citizens, and for the European NATO citizens. Ignorance is Strength: Main media in "Europe and America NATO citizens" Washington Israel Europe NATO, approach to Russia, China, as Strength "military force which in fact is ignorance as you get the reality of Europe a collapsing economy and a confrontation that benefits exclusively arms manufacturers and finances and bankers not the citizens. At the expense of citizens of Ukraine, Europe America NATO Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Iran, south America Africa, china; strength is transformed into ignorance' the main media explains as peace and inverts it on the citizens mind into strength which in fact is war & desolation "ignorance" The citizens are upside-down, confuse and have a logic reason that is inverted . Russia Putin china becomes the symbol of freedom however presented by the main media as slavery, dictatorship oppression. NATO, Washington Europe OBAMA Washington which in fact in reality is slavery 1989 Orwellian realm main media exemplified as development peace and prosperity. The arguments of the NATO WASHINGTON, is inverted as is they who cause wars from 2001 to 2014 bush Obama wars campaign. The alternative media that counters the main media becomes the voice of reason unfortunately since the NATO Washington citizens are inverted they view it as false propaganda and conspiracy theories. However this 1989 Orwellian, planed by the eventual elites is impossible. The reason is big brother is above Russia and America both simultaneously, and the other glitch is that the circumstances are the real master of the game. The current elites worldwide lack the possibility of dominating time.
    "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past"?
    ~George Orwell
    "Rothschild economical weather channel is unable to predict the precise outcome. On the other HAND the conditions for a real Big-brother are quite open.
