Friday, August 22, 2014

Urgent Terror Update!!! Danger ISIS Prepares to Blow Up An Entire US City Soon

Fall 2014 could turn out to be horrific.

It will probably be New York....remember what the president said..what worried him the most? Was a bomb going off in NY..and remember rev Michelle Hopkins reported months ago that all this stuff like anti water and ect...was to be at FEMA region 3 which is right around Oct of 2014...if you don't know rev Michelle Hopkins look her up..on utube...and go through her playlist of videos and look up FEMA region 3 alert....


  1. oh I'm scared what do I do

    i do

  2. Stick your head in your but fool.

  3. you clearly see why there is a threat, "cuts in defense spending" it is a business like everything else. We were warned about that awhile back Eisenhower warned us. oh well,

  4. Is FA suggesting that we take this Obama-regime-announced threat seriously?
