Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Secret To Defeat The "Bad Guys"

It is very difficult for me to witness the injustices in this world and not be filled with anger and a feeling of helplessness. Take Gaza for example. We, the U.S., is supporting the murderous regime of Israel and directly facilitating the horrible genocide that is occurring there. And have done so for decades. I am unable to ignore it and am impotent to remedy it. So I call the bastards that are supposed to represent us and tell their lackeys who answer the phones how angry I am about the situation knowing full well that even if the message gets to their bosses that it will be ignored. Knowing full well that none of them will risk losing votes by taking a principled stand on the issue. I seethe with anger and imagine taking to the streets to protest. Knowing full well the futility of it. My blood boils as I fantasize about committing acts of violence or self sacrifice knowing all the while that it will do no good. I have gotten out of debt by paying off my home. I will never willingly do business with another big financial institution as long as I live. I am self sufficient and know that I can use my hands and brains to take care of myself and my wife. So I suppose I'm in pretty good shape for what is surely coming. Why doesn't that make me feel better? Why do I have this feeling that it's really not enough? Why can't I just sit back and relax and forget about the murder, deprivation, and all the injustice that is taking place all over this world? Much of which is done in my name. At least from the perspective of the victims. I am so frustrated and angry. It's so difficult to fight off the depression caused by my helplessness to actively make a difference in the world. Is this what it's all about? Is this how it is supposed to be? To live in a beautiful world where everything is given to us to be able to take care of everyone and to helplessly watch religious, blood thirsty, power hungry tyrants make a mockery of it. This really sucks.

1 comment:

  1. hang in there bro. I feel the same way, I have to say this blog is making a big difference to me, waking me up a lot. I've gotten to your point of apathy and frustration, what has helped me is Relora supplements, you can get them at amazon or vitamin shoppe. It dumbs your stress levels down by regulating cortisol levels. I've had days where I would be so hopeless and as you said "in your name" realize it is not in your name or mine, our labor is taken we are slaves. I take two Relora at night and in the morning and it dumbs me down a bit to get fed up with even the awakened news, same old shit over and over, it gets to you when you've woken up. Alan Watt talks about this in his web site I was saying to myself what happened to all my friends, all the non-returned emails, no more phone calls. realize you are on another level now, once you wake up you can't go back to sleep. unfortunately we have to deal with being misused, and that is what gets to me, so I try to regulate my stress levels to deal in the real world, which is really the fake world.

    be well,
