Friday, August 8, 2014

The New Cold War? - Stephen Cohen

In tonight's special hour-long edition of "Conversations with Great Minds," Thom discusses the current situation in Iraq, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and the prospects of a new Cold War with Stephen Cohen of "The Nation," author of the book "Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War.”

1 comment:

  1. how to kill Americans ask OBAMA & G W BUSH & Bill Clinton a) we send arms to ISIS them we bomb ISIS, them we charge you the people; you paid for, taxes austerity or enslavement, we celebrate blood rituals and them go to the bank while you the american slaves pay's us for slaving you poor idiots Americans and if you people complain we shall have boots on ground and kill some Americans to easy your desire of liberty. end of conversation and pay your taxes. and in Ukraine we shall kill europeans for fun and if you do complain again boots on the ground and that will be increase on taxes, we get more money as after we destroy Ukraine we shall build it and them again you Americans pay for with your labour we handle the money half for us and the rest to wall street, israel needs arms and weapons don't forget so on with your work watch CNN and go to sleep otherwise is boots on the ground and some of your brothers and sister will die and we do not care benghazi and 9/11 should be a lesson for you believers.
