Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Gaza Bombardment - What You're Not Being Told

Gaza death toll - 1000 civilians. Israel death toll - 3 civilians, 55 SOLDIERS. Israel openly bombs U.N SHELTERS. U.N told Israel of these locations MONTHS IN ADVANCE. U.N calling it war crime, describing the bombing of schools as disgraceful, with no justification.


  1. What are you smoking??? Were you asleep in History class? It's obvious that you have a case of
    Cranial - Rectal Disorder.
    Meaning: Your head needs to be surgically removed from your rectum. What part of "Hamas wants to eliminate the Jews" don't you understand? Terrorists DO NOT negotiate! Ignorant comments like, Americans do not care about Palestinian civilians dying and should be ashamed, is an abomination, offensive and outrageous. If in fact, you did get a college education, your degree must have been in "MORONism,". Since you think you have all the answers, why don't you and your bleeding heart go to Palestine and FIX THE PROBLEM.

  2. Israel needs to be removed from the Middle East. It is a criminal state that needs deconstructing. Palestine should have one man and one vote for all of Palestine and all those made to live in refugee camps outside the borders of Palestine. The vile apartheid state needs to cease to exist like apartheid South Africa. Those who support Israel are just normal American racists with no intelligence and no education. The middle east does not need a crazy entity that is camped on stolen Palestinian land. No civilized country on earth behaves like Nazi Germany except of course the "Jewish State" on stolen Palestinian land.

  3. This is a good audio and tells it like it is. People who steal land, drop bombs on civilians are criminals. It is time to put merciless sanctions on Israel until it collapses and then the Arabs should just take back everything that was stolen from them and bring all the Zionist leaders before the ICC for their crimes.
    The Nazis who behaved like modern day Israel were mainly strung up by the neck until dead. I hope there are plenty of lamp posts in all of Palestine.
