Friday, August 22, 2014

The Future Price of Bitcoin, A Projection, Based on Past Performance

After much thought and contemplation, I had to come back with another video about bitcoin. The last one I did, focused on the evil government's involvement and the risks, therein. This one was supposed to be about the other side of the bitcoin, but I could not speak of the opportunities and future price, without reminding you that nothing is safe, as long as the dirty, rotten, stinking government has their filthy, parasitic hands all over things which the Constitution says are private!
You're going to be quite surprised to see the projected price of bitcoin, based on the recent past. Yet, it's just a projection and I am sure we won't see it play out, straight and simple, as portrayed in this video
Enjoy the ride and keep saying to yourself, 'It's only a movie!' We all hope things turn out the way I have forecast, but instead, we might all wind up in FEMA camps, guilty of the crime of being part of the subversive bitcoin hoodlum, drug dealing, money laundering mob, as we have been portrayed by the 'Nazi Nightly News'

1 comment:

  1. If they can hack a pacemaker implanted in ones body how be it ones bitcoins who be a easy target as well.
