Thursday, August 7, 2014

Terrible Tim Rifat on the Jeff Rense show August 6th 2014

Tim Rifat on the Jeff Rense show August 6th 2014

Turan (Tim) Rifat was born in Brighton in 1957. He has a university science degree and another in education. Whilst doing his Ph.D., the author decided he’d had enough of mechanistic science, so for the past 15 years he has been
researching the paranormal, with the aim of developing its physics, as well as carrying out numerous workshops on healing and personal development. His research task took rather longer than imagined, and led to some unfortunate confrontations with ‘evil’ forces-MI5 being the least of these. Recently, he set up Paranormal Management Systems (PMS), the only company in Europe with expertise in biophysical RMCT that can come close to what the Russians have developed and which outstrips the US knowledge base in the biophysical area.
PMS evaluates this military-domain RMCT material and develops it in terms of its applications for business in enhancing profitability and performance. Turan Rifat offers courses and consultancy in the RV/RI field. He is currently writing a book, Remote Viewing: The Story of the Real X-Files, and is planning to follow up this article with one on ESP and telepathy, with reference also to synthetic telepathy

Remote Viewing and Sensing for Managers: How to Use Military Psiops for a Competitive Edge Paperback by Tim Rifat


  1. Jeff REALY NEEDS TO BE CAREFUL the way he speaks about Israel! It's God's country whether he acknowledges it or NOT! For a GREAT EXAMPLE, look how ALL of the missiles fired at Israel are TOSSED INTO THE SEA!!!! HELLO!

    1. God's country and chosen sick D***head. What is wrong with you people?
      Those are not missiles, those are primitive plumbing pipes flying God knows where.
      You all as a nation have to go for check up.
      You are sick, all of you.

  2. god is not happy is not blessing america and even less israel, and he does not bless israel because they are cruel and moreover somewhat refuse to see the light of god and act as murderous bunch, the same Washington is doing, israel is a Balfour 1917 reality, and the British are experts on colonization even a lot more advance than israelis, remember they are your creators usa of america.
    israel behaves as if 1492 is Palestine and palestinians are native Americans that most be eliminated killed and this is why they kill specially the children and the women to exterminate the palestinians the race the Muslims as a whole, israel probably will disappear, today israel exist because of the saudi kingdom and all this monarchies, they prevent israel from disappearing certainly for their own benefit, because once israel goes they are the next ones in line. so they protect themselves by protecting israel, reason why they finance terrorism against their own people washington does the same as Jews have done the same HITLER was cosy with the Zionist and promoted Jews in Palestine in fact that was his plan in 1933 send Jews to Palestine, he considers them brighter than Arabs. so HITLER and Zionism are hand in hand, the holocaust seal the deal if you like.
