Friday, August 8, 2014

STOCK MARKET CRASH. October 1907, 1929, 1987..2014. By Gregory Mannarino

Today is August 8th 2014. If you are familiar with my work as a trader of the capital markets, then you are familiar with my discussions of how I employ many tools to help me navigate this complex endeavor. On August 2nd I wrote a piece here on my Seeking Alpha Instablog outlining how the CBOE SKEW Index was predicting a stock market rebound. Further on August 5th, I wrote another segment discussing how despite the recent stock market sell off a singificant move higher was very likely. (Please see my previous Instablog segments with regard to the articles I mentioned above, it will shed light for you on today's blog). For me it's like this. When too many people are on one side of an equation Im looking to get on the opposite side of that trade. Pundits on the financial channels were screaming that the market was now in for a major correction. I came out publicly saying it was nonsense, and the market was going higher.

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