Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Saudi America of Fracking -- Max Keiser Report

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask why, if fracking is so great, is it a state secret? A UK government report looking at the economic consequences in rural Britain is so heavily redacted that none are allowed to know the third “major social impact” the fracking process may cause. They also discuss one energy analyst’s call for fracking as the ‘dotcom bubble’ of our age. In the second half, Max interviews an activist from Germany, Lars Maehrholz, who has seen tens of thousands across Germany attend his weekly Stop the Fed rallies


  1. Obama AIPAC race wars intensifies latinos are next and them Texas as is a racial civil war Lincoln style disguise only this time so far is latinos and blacks African Americans next is latinos, Muslims and Asians.. Indians and Pakistanis, soon in the end Italians and Irish beware Alex is coming eugenics at work. 2014..! Gerald celente be careful is This AIPAC, eugenics, wall street wars. be alert Gerald celente is coming..!

  2. well max kyser "keiser" what's up. you never did look at my art work..! and probably any other any other artist work. the odd group, the insane as usually? well WE ARE BACK.!..!
