Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ron Paul on Iraq: ‘The sooner we get out of there the better’

Former congressman Ron Paul told RT on Tuesday that the United States should look to the history books for advice on how to handle the escalating crisis in Iraq and pull the American military out of the country immediately. Only days after US President Barack Obama authorized the Pentagon to begin airstrikes against militants from the Islamic State, the longtime lawmaker for the state of Texas told RT’s Ameera David that America should abandon its latest efforts in the Middle East lest it wants to repeat the lessons of the last Iraq War.


  1. cutting ties with monkey nation “Washington” will do a lot of good for Russia America the land of the FAT, one example ban McDonald they use unsafe meat so good luck, even the Chinese are banning this FAT as you die logic of Mc Donald, soft drinks another brain device to control the mind. Most films from Hollywood they are mostly trash made to brainwash American’s with harmful advertising; eat pie and fry’s until you die of fat. America the land of the fat is a disaster, and they got Britain to become one as most of Europe. I-pods, most technology that is produced in America is NSA, CIA, produced so they have chips on it to spy for the government but also for coca cola, and Mc Donald, Walmart look at Europe 85% of the population are brainwash somewhat luxury consumers, without a penny; programmed by I-phones and android, while most of the Europeans exist under poverty line a paradox of insanity is created by these devices. Europe is a mess as are the European leaders; they love to destroy their own citizens. The G8 The round table of idiocy, as the world trade organization, better say a Mafia to impose Monsanto like in Africa with the sole purpose of eliminating the population, for the benefit of industry. These nations are a tragedy, a Greek tragedy and to really do it in full they have collapse Greece and Spain and turn them into the new north Africa tragedy of Europe Greece is the new Tunisia as Spain has become the new Algeria and morocco of tourism, same policies the wealth for the 1% the multinationals of travel and for the population is the hardship. Think well Russia and perhaps once Europe sees your example they will them think twice about the “ape nation that is oppressing them”.

  2. Ebola is probably US made to kill Africans & African Americans, like HIV; as well more proofs of Britain Orwellian tactics for a NAZI purpose of killing civilians to steal their land just like israel: here the target of washington is African Americans they all must die washington doctrine like palestinians and Jews, Jews kill palestinians, for the land like 1492 native Americans, is HITLER 2014 in full action, ethnic cleansing of African Americans in america and Africa simultaneously. get it .. for once and for all to be precise to you Russia, IRAN,CHINA,INDIA,BRAZIL, IRAQ,EGYPT, the plot of Europe + UK the French president's plan's and Fabius BHL, etc and NBC, CNN NEWS and washington is to kill all Russians that live in Ukraine on the other side of the border "your borders" once that done you Russia will have nothing more to do with Ukraine. they have eliminated all the Russians of that side of the borders. HITLER DID THE SAME TO POLAND, LOOK IT UP. them JoE Biden and porkichenco will claim the land, in Ukraine and you Russia will no longer have the argument of Russians living in Ukraine..! no different than israel and Gaza Palestine. is the same plot washington joe biden want that land so they kill all in side, and replace the dead with their own people. israel wants the land where the palestinians are they kill all the children and mothers, precisely so they will exit Palestine or die, and them ask Jews to immigrate to Palestine to populate the land. that the Gaza, palestinians were forced to exit and since they killed all their children's and mothers "youth" them the Jews coming from Europe will populate the area . is simple is like 1492 native Americans and HITLER 1940. easy as pie . so you have being warn of the NAZI Europe and israel which is a product of the ape nation washington. Vichy is the corruption key, however in France Jews were deported as today Ukrainians are deported and palestinians are deported, Iraqis, and Syrians. Muslims as a whole. there is no difference. in Europe or israel. HITLER won the war he did not loose it. today is 1989 Orwellian tactics, war is peace. Russia wants red cross NATO send arms. ignorance is strength, media propaganda from washington, Europe, France,Germany, Poland. enslavement is liberty. the american constitution that no longer exist, the democratic barbarism of OBAMA, the end of the american constitution. barbaric democratic means weapons to create war but europeans Americans and Jews call it peace.
