Friday, August 1, 2014

Pan-Global Economic Collapse: A Biblical Loss Of Life Is Upon Us NOW. By Gregory Mannarino

As long as you pay taxes you are not innocent. There is no innocent or civilians. Everybody supports the machine just by paying the tax. Around the block she push the baby carriage... she push it for that Marine so far far away. Who is innocent?


  1. Very sobering and apocalyptic presentation by trader and Physicians Assistant Greg Mannarino. Greg admits he is not a religious man but in his description of unfolding world events he uses words like Biblical proportions to describe the scale of carnage and devastation he envisions for the future. Greg is not a lone voice crying in the wilderness as many religious and non religious thinkers and writers are increasingly warning us of an impending catastrophe of Biblical Proportions.

  2. the real problem of our planet is washington and as long washington continues to be trusted the world will be at war. OBAMA the IMAGE of a slave was elected somehow to free those slaves, worldwide. he himself having origins of a slave image, rather than liberating black americans and africans obama does the adverse, the inverse. the reality is he is doing the opposite he destroys the same slaves that he once belong to and moreover encourages others to enslave even other nations. creating conditions to the end of humanity, it is strange why slaves the only aim they have is to enslaves those that resemble him. therefore liberty and freedom is impossible under these conditions. peace will never exist until america becomes a human and sensible nation a civilized government.
