Thursday, August 7, 2014

NATO says "Russia" could be poised to invade Ukraine

NATO says "Russia" could be poised to invade Ukraine
(Reuters) - Russia has amassed around 20,000 combat-ready troops on Ukraine's eastern border and could use the pretext of a humanitarian or peace-keeping mission to invade, NATO said on Wednesday. Stating the conflict in Ukraine was fueled by Russia, NATO said in a statement that the troop build-up had further escalated "a dangerous situation".

1 comment:

  1. NATO should have been disbanded at the same time the Warsaw Pact was disbanded. It serves no useful purpose and probably never did. Russia was blamed for invading Ukraine and that was a lie. Russia is blamed for shooting down an airliner with no evidence. The actual evidence seems to suggest it was the Ukrainian Nazi putsch government.
    Those Ukrainian Nazis in the west of Ukraine fought for Germany in WW2. When that corrupt cow called Timoshenko got power from the CIA sponsored orange revolution all the memorials to Red Army liberators were destroyed and memorials to fascist collaborators and mass murderers were put up to replace them. Collaborators like the fascist Bandera who murdered Jews as well as 70,000 Poles.
