Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Max Igan Decoding the Control Grid

Max Igan is a radio talk show host, researcher, artist, musician, philosopher, free thinker, champion for the truth, and a true renaissance man. Max is the man behind the website TheCrowHouse.com, which is filled with great information for those seeking the truth.

The world is in a messed up state, a lot of which can be traced to the money system. We need to cancel all debt right now. The monetary system has created shortage in the world and created the dog-eat-dog, psychopathic mentality that modern society now has. We don’t need a dishonest system that knowingly enslaves us to a corrupt system.

The New World Order is already here. We need an absolute change, but we don’t need a global government. We need a group of elders, unity amongst people, administrators who will look after the infrastructure. We need a global awakening – to see the power people have within themselves to effect change. We are being shepherded into a place where we shouldn’t be. We need to address this money supply – the most important factor of control that’s in place, and the interest on money.

Every country George Bush mentioned as the axis of evil countries had no central bank. The war on terror is about installing a central bank in each of those countries. It’s about enslaving people to debt – economic hit men. We need to wake up to it; to stand up to it.

Lead by example, be the change you want to see…you empower those you come across and they start to look into things themselves. Truth isn’t told, it’s realized.

Unity is the answer to everything. All the problems we face are symptoms of the divided state of human consciousness.

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