Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ISIS Terrorists Behead American Journalist James Foley - raw video

ISIS Plays Hard Ball. Asserts Its State Hood. Shows no respect for Obama and offers Ultimatum with the next sacrifice for non-compliance.


  1. it could also be Ferguson just broke away from the usa..soviet union! they are free, somehow..
    they are no longer a part of the new soviet union usa of america. you see the reality is that washington was so angry at the soviet union that wanted one at home and he won. reason why welcome to soviet union the usa of america. Ferguson the break away republic. from the soviet union. "the usa of america"

  2. how about ISIS the Islamic state, and Obama declaring war to Isis, also gaining followers worldwide inside america, and probably Europe and Australia. looks bad, fergusson and the Mexican border. boy's is not working is not top gun is guerrilla's warfare at home? this are the results of neocons brilliant conclusion civil war in america mix with instability and guerrillas warfare, as well racial conflicts and racial discrimination, against Italians descendants Greeks, Jews, racial & religious wars inside america, and Irish, British and wasp, Mormons, and psychotics. the lot.!

  3. How about Kenites children of Cain whose father was the devil satan

  4. How about growing a brain, and not submitting stupid comments.
    This is murder of an innocent man...that is meant to intimidate all the fence sitters.
    Now what will you do... submit stupid comments.
