Friday, August 15, 2014

ISIS Planning to Attack America on U.S. Soil - Most Dangerous Terrorist Group Ever, Says Government

ISIS Planning to Attack America on U.S. Soil - Most Dangerous Terrorist Group Ever, Says Government. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos!
Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.


  1. the sooner the better: Clinton OBAMA racial wars against African Americans, and whites in Texas, benghazi, main target of washington kill all African Americans in america and Africans in Africa EBOLA "made in the USA like HIV another virus to kill African Americans. washington the racist Nazi regime, freedom to america end OBAMA'S dictatorship.. killing Muslims,palestinians,Egyptians,europeans,Iraqis,Iranians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Iranians,Africans,Latin Americans,Australians,Canadians, Obama murder campaign to destroy the human race must be stop..! Obama main target African children and Muslims worldwide end of Obama Nazi regime..! and experiment with children in Gaza.. by Israeli. holocaust campaign..!

  2. The sooner the better and America will still come off light. 500,000 dead Iraqi children murdered by US sanctions and the Jewess Madeleine Albright said it was a price worth paying. 3.8 million dead Vietnamese, 800,000 dead Cambodians, plus Laotians, 1,000,000 dead Iraqis in America's evil and illegal invasion. America also funds and arms ISIS in Syria and bombs them in Iraq as an excuse to get its hands on stolen Iraqi oil, now being pumped by the Kurds who send it to Israel.
