Monday, August 4, 2014

ISIS Militants Take Over More Territory in Iraq

ISIS Terror Group Takes Over 2 More Towns In Iraq - Lt Col Ralph Peters - America's Newsroom

Islamist militants in Iraq have seized two new towns, widening their control after threatening to move on Baghdad.

The Sunni-led Islamists advanced into Diyala province in the east - near Iran and close to the capital - having seized Mosul and Tikrit to the north.

The UN says hundreds have been killed - with militants carrying out summary executions of civilians in Mosul, including 17 civilians in one street.

The US says it is looking at "all options", including military action.

Led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the insurgents have threatened to push to the capital, Baghdad and regions further south dominated by Iraq's Shia Muslim majority, whom they regard as "infidels".

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