Sunday, August 24, 2014


ISIS Sleeper cells in U.S are as dubious as Al Ciada Cells.Maybe battery cells:) .These are most likely actors awaiting orders.America needs an enemy so they can prove that they are a "sovereign and peaceful nation" .Its why they invented this whole Alien nonsense in the first place. Americans ,can you smell the freedom now?

A former CIA officer said Thursday he has no doubt Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells are already planted on U.S. soil.

An unnamed U.S. intelligence official told CNN there’s already an indication of ISIS sleeper cells in Europe that could target U.S. embassies and other American interests.

But former CIA officer Bob Baer told the network ISIS is already on this side of the Atlantic.

“I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country,” he said.

Though CNN said two U.S. officials had refuted the claim, they’re worried ISIS militants with passports might travel to the United States to launch attacks on American soil, CNN reported.

One ISIS fighter already has hinted as much.

In several telephone conversations with a Reuters reporter over the past few months, Islamic State fighters suggest their leader, Iraqi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is planning something for the West – and that attacks could take place through sleeper cells in both Europe and the United States.

“The West are idiots and fools,” one fighter taunted, according to Reuters. “They think we are waiting for them to give us visas to go and attack them or that we will attack with our beards or even Islamic outfits. The Islamic State, formerly ISIS, has abducted more Westerners. The latest captives include two Italian women and a Japanese national. They are reporters, photographers and aid workers.

Over the past six months Islamic jihadists in Syria have taken at least ten hostages from Western countries, including Spain, Denmark and France. The hostages were traded for ransom, but in the wake of the alleged execution of journalist James Foley the latest captives may suffer a more gruesome fate as the propaganda war ramps up ahead of a U.S. invasion of Syria. Indonesian police have been put on alert at the Borobudur Temple after a threat against the world’s biggest Buddhist temple and UNESCO World heritage Site was made on Facebook by Islamic State supporters.

The Obama administration announced Friday it plans to conduct military operations inside Syria. Benjamin J. Rhodes, a top Obama national security adviser, said the United States will “do what is necessary” in Syria following the unverified murder of freelance photojournalist James Foley. During a CNN interview last night in Ferguson, Missouri a protester held up a sign declaring “ISIS is here.”

Emboldened by the alleged murder of American journalist James Foley, threats by the terror group ISIS against the United States have reached fever pitch.

But the ramped-up rhetoric isn’t affecting one former US marine, who is reminding the Islamic extremists that America is filled with 21.2 million “pissed off veterans who have been dealing with years of abuse from government stabbing them in the backs.”

The Facebook post, penned by Iraq war veteran Nick Powers, has gone viral under the hashtag #AmessageFromtheUStoISIS, along with a photo of marines posing around a sign that reads, “72 virgin dating service apply here.” You Do Realize that the U.S. Funded and Trained ISIS, Right? assad

1 comment:

  1. Yes can get plenty of unemployed to become actors in this next play soon to be coming to a city in the US. Just as Sandy Hook, The Boston Bombing n the lastest play Furguson where that cia cop actor Dan Page lays out everything thats going to come down now that they know they can control n lockdown cities. We know were in the last days of this 2nd earth age as satans worshipers are creating a world full of confusion so most wonder n worship him also when hes cast from Heaven Rev. 12:7-10 appearing in Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus. Its all written in Fathers Word but most churches today rather teach traditions of men.
