Saturday, August 9, 2014

Iraq War #3 -- it is Official America is back to Iraq

WAR! U.S. Bombs Iraq to Attack ISIS. Full Scale Invasion Coming Soon!

It was only a matter of time but now it's official: The U.S. has once again begin a "limited" war against Iraq. Islamic State (a.k.a. al Qaeda) has expanded greatly in Iraq and Syria from the generous funding of the U.S. and so the U.S. now needs to attack those they fund. This circus is an episode of madness. The U.S. is publicly funding its own enemies and the general masses just keep waving their flags (made in China), ignorant to the truth.
U.S. Jets and Drones Attack Militants in Iraq, Hoping to Stop Advance
Feinstein: 'It takes an army to defeat an army'
U.S. fighters bombed terrorist targets in northern Iraq. Hours before, the president has announced he was authorizing such strikes as well as the airdropping of aid to Iraqi refugees stranded on a mountaintop.
A housing project in East London flies the ‘Islamic State’ flag
ISIS’s Black Flags Are Flying in Europe
ISIS Threatens America: ‘We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House’
The terror group President Barack Obama threatened to strike in Iraq Thursday evening is itself threatening to strike the American homeland.

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