Sunday, August 24, 2014


An officer involved in policing Ferguson protests has been relieved from his patrol duties after video footage emerged of him describing black people as “little perverts” and Barack Obama as “that illegal alien claiming to be president”. the US military veteran is seen addressing a St. Louis chapter of the Oath Keepers, a conservative group of former servicemen, where he also boasted of previous killings.

He told the audience: “I'm also a killer. I've killed a lot, and if I need to I'll kill a whole bunch more. If you don't want to get killed, don't show up in front of me.

“I’m into diversity – I kill everybody”.

Page is the same officer who pushed and threatened to arrest CNN journalist Don Lemon while he was reporting live from protests in Ferguson over the shooting of teenager Michael Brown. His speech quotes the declaration of independence’s statement that “all men are created equal”. He says: “That does not mean affirmative action. It means we’re all equal … God does not respect persons so we have no business passing hate crime laws. None. Because we're setting aside a group of people special."

Holding a copy of the Bible, he tells the audience: “This here is the foundation for this [the declaration of independence]. You can’t separate them. I don’t know what them black little perverts don’t understand down there, but they need me to talk to them. I’ll square them away for you.” "new world order" nwo operation exposed elite agenda truth military police collapse u.s. usa "united states" america event events future christian religion god world humanity time man freedom liberty camp "american dream" fight constitution children youth generation fight battle

Page also made disparaging remarks about Muslims, claiming “they will kill you” and expressed the view that the United States was on the verge of collapse.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar has apologised for the officer's “bizarre” remarks. In a statement, he said that while Page "has never been involved in an officer-involved shooting, the statements made about killing are unacceptable and not what we are about as a department".

Two days earlier, another St. Louis-area policeman, an officer from the town of St. Ann, was suspended indefinitely for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at a peaceful demonstrator and yelling obscenities.

The President of the Oath Keepers’ St Louis chapter told CNN Page was a guest speaker and not an affiliated member of the group.

The organisation said: "The statements made by Sargent Major Dan Page do not reflect the opinions of our local Oath Keeper Chapter, nor the national organization.

"Dan Page, speaking to the St. Louis/St. Charles, Missouri Chapter of Oath Keepers, explains how they plan to end American sovereignty and the Constitution, establishing martial law and merging the U.S. with the New World Order."
Obama Calls For Collectivized New World Order
"People are anxious.... the old order isn’t holding" “People are anxious. Now, some of that has to do with some big challenges overseas,” said Obama, adding, “But whether people see what’s happening in Ukraine, and Russia’s aggression towards its neighbors in the manner in which it’s financing and arming separatists; to what’s happened in Syria … to the failure in Iraq for Sunni and Shia and Kurd to compromise … to what’s happening in Israel and Gaza….” Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an “extraordinary crisis” is needed to preserve the “new world order,” which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden.Top diplomat Christopher R. Hill says that Russia’s response to the Ukraine crisis means that Moscow has betrayed the “new world order” it has been a part of for the last 25 years.


  1. Well hey, and these Police White Boys Started it. They have been fucking with Black males really hard since the 1970s. Sometimes, things calmed down, and then sometimes they picked up.

    - Police Black Purges of the 1970s 74-77, when the Post Civil Rights Prison Industrial Complex first opened up.

    - Police Black Purges of the 1980s to indoctrinate young Black Boys to absolutely Hate and want to Kill White Cops, growing up to be today's 20-30 something fire starters and Militants like ourselves and so called "Agent Provocateurs" (Awesome Race Warriors) down in places like Ferguson.

    - 1990s Drug War Police Black Purges created by White Conservatives and Libertarians to make Blacks Hate most or even all White Conservatives, putting hate for Whites in the hearts of many Young Black Males today.

    - 2000s Black Police Purges set up to confiscate the wealth of Young Black Males with Fines, Penalties, and Bail fees on BS Charges- most of them made up, but the Racist Judges will never believe a Black Man.

    - 2010s Black Purges, to try to control the rise of a Black Ran America in the hearts and minds of the Young Black Youth. They don't want the natural Ethnic evolution of American Society to occur. America was turned over to the Ethnic White Immigrants in the 1970s. Your time is up, Blacks and the Women will run this era of America which will end approximately 2064- then the Latinos, Gays, and Robots.

    Look this shit up White Girl, do a post.

  2. BTW, they are doing this shit in the UK right now, and are on the 1980s stage, So the Uk will have many Race Wars to come, and the London Riots were just a taste. The Black Militants are highly regulated and controlled in the UK, Farrakhan (we don't even like the dude, nor are Muslims) would get arrested on the spot in the UK, but Tim Rifat can call Blacks "Niggers" on Rense about 12 Months ago, and not get charged by the Racist White British Police who deserved to be shot for the treatment of Young Black Males just like American White Police.

    This is the kind of Racist Double Standard that puts hate in the hearts of Little Black Boys who will grow up to be Black Men for Whites.

    - The Black Man

  3. Try a search for "Cameron's Black Family Intrusion Programme"- this is what we call it,

    Yeah, but David Cameron after the London Riots made an edict that all Impoverished Black Families would face the same Family breakup and intrusions of Family life to get Welfare- like the did with Blacks in America in the 1970-1990s, and still require even to this day in places like New Jersey for the Baby Daddy to not live in the house in order to get Welfare. In Middle American Conservative states like Ohio Texas and North Carolina, the Baby Daddy can work and live up in the same house, and not just Momma can get Welfare, but Daddy can too.

    Dude, they learn Racial Profiling tactics from American police departments. England has a huge problem, and Tim Rifat is right about Race Wars over there as well.

    They will get a Black one day as a PM, and long off- Royalty. The European Royalty- Brits included (even though they are pretty much Americans now and America and England should be the same country), can not resist Chocolate- especially the Males. It's only a matter of time before Brit Royals get Chocolate- probably a Princess.
