Monday, August 4, 2014

How World Bank & IMF Plan to “Dismantle” Ukrainian Economy

West looks to ramp up gas production, as Vice President Biden’s son named leader in Ukrainian gas company Burisma

1 comment:

    the us of America Britain and the UN are Nazis organizations, the WHO is in bed with them, they US-Britain-Israel, have something call Democratic Barbarism, they call it the good, anyone that does not agreed with this democratic barbarism is evil. G W Bush said are you with us "the good democratic barbarism or you are against us the bad decency democracy and civility, reason why you got only 2 political parties in America. The same methods that HITLER propaganda used during the ww2, which is the same propaganda CNN, FOX news, NBC CNBC, NBC, main media applies to anything that they consider noble and good. The aim of Israel – London - Washington, is to kill children’s and women so they do not have any more children in Palestine, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, this is the aim of sanctions kill innocent people. The objective is to get the land and the wealth of the nation, after they have killed everyone, a holocaust no different than the Jews holocaust, but global. Britain used the same method in 1500 with the American natives, diseases sanctions and they kill them all in the end or put them on concentration camps identical to the ones Hitler had. Ebola is probably to kill all African American’s in the USA of America and Africa. Reason is they are no longer needed these African American’s; robots are replacing them. Ukraine Israel Europe is the same ideology the same purpose and the same result destroy nations kill their youth demoralize the population kill children’s and women, so the ethnic cleansing will have no siblings, Israel is doing the same on the middle east not only in Palestine but against all Muslims worldwide, Iran Iraq, the sanctions against Iraq was to kill children’s and the UN is in fact a Nazi organization as is the American congress. Israel holocaust is part of the Nazi techniques to make believe Israel is for the Jews, dead wrong Israel is an Anglo-American military post only objective is ethnic cleansing of all Muslims Arabs and Africans on the area, the UN gave Palestine to Israel so they can slaughter Palestinians and all Muslims in general. there is no other objective, and Israel expansionism is the solid proof of the reality of Israel, moreover this ethnic cleansing has as well the objective of creating massive immigration to Europe the objective create civil wars in Europe and destroy Europe, have Jews and Muslim slaughter each other’s inside Europe for the benefit of London” the city” and Washington walls street. Create disturbances and confusion in France and Germany, use the former Soviet Union nations against the European Union and foster a world war in Europe, which is exactly what NATO-OTAN Rasmussen is doing and DAVID Cameroon of London is forcing on Europe, with the help of the UN Nazi organization and Washington’s wall street. Conflict with Russia however the aim is chaos bankruptcy of Europe and in consequence civil unrest and ethnic wars among European’s and Jews and immigrant Africans and Muslims inside Europe. The goal the end game is to have the city control Europe, while Wall Street reins the rest of the planet. The main media as I said transforms this genocide into a good deed, because this Hitler media control makes you believe that the terrorist are the Hamas but in reality is Israel is justified by the UN the other branch of the NAZI scheme. America is in fact a Nazi nation Hitler never lost the war, have a look at your educational system’s and you shall understand.
