Monday, August 4, 2014

High Probability Of An Event In August While Congress Is On Vacation

DoJ Subpoenas GM over subprime loans. Eurasian countries are now set to choose a common currency. illegals are coming into the US from 75 different countries. Obama is waiting for congress to take their break to make his next move. Sovereign citizens are now at the top of the list of terrorists. Fighting in Ukraine continues, meanwhile Russia launches military drills along the border of Ukraine. Israel continues destroying the infrastructure in Gaza, but never shows any evidence that Hamas has weapons. US shipping in 1000 M-16 rifles into Lebanon because of the uprising of the Sunni tribes. Ebola false flag still being used to scare everyone. The central bankers/US Government now claim they have a vaccine and the patent points to evidence they are creating a bio-weapon.

1 comment:

  1. As far as I can see...the USA deserves Obama. The fact that there are still people in America that support unbelievable. How many women and children have to be burnt, murdered, blown apart countries all around the world? America and Israel are just as evil as each other...look at your leaders...Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clinton's, Bush's...and their masters...the FED. If EBOLA could manifest itself as a person...that person would be OBAMA... EBOLA /OBAMA...has a ring to it. The truth of the matter is...Obama is a lot worse than Ebola.
