Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hamas, ISIS & Putin: stage-managed Rothschild fronts

Hamas, ISIS & Putin: stage-managed Rothschild fronts

The Rothschilds don't publish books to make money. They publish books for mind control and for distorting truth. They created Nazism, they financed Hitler, they ordered their nazi pawns to murder non-zionist jews in their IG Farben concentration camps and now they finance neonazis to deny that Frankist Jews like Rothschilds, Warburgs and Rockefellers were involved in financing the Nazi-Zionists. They promote Holocaust denying, because very important in the Frankist Jewish strategy is creating more hatred of jews. Thanks to the Rothschilds the nazis could escape to the USA, USSR, Spain, Israel, South Africa and Argentina, once a country where Theodor Herzl planned to create a jewish state (Andinia Plan)

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