Sunday, August 10, 2014

Global Depression Will Cause MASS DEATH! Here's Proof

In Ancient Rome, satire writer, Juvenal, wrote about "Panem et Circenses" which is Latin for Bread and Circus. Ancient Romans were given the Coliseum as their source of spectacular entertainment. They were also given free bread to feed them. With great similarity, today the welfare system in the US supports 50 million people! The IMF, the UN, the World Bank, the EU, and all others are masquerading as charitable to convince the public to opt into their deceit and forfeit their wealth and freedom. In 1933, Hitler passed the Enabling Act which gave him dictatorial powers.

When you allow any institution, corporation, government, or individual to collectively or single-handedly gain more power than the citizens, you will be met with dire consequences. Gain your independence from this system so that you will not be a sheep, confident and satisfied in its decadence, unknowingly on its way to the slaughter.

1 comment:

  1. "The Rockefeller Foundation 1913." Isn't that when the 'Federal Reserve' came to power? VERY INTERESTING!!!!
