Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Gerald Celente : Terrorism Is Manufactured To Control The Populace

Alex Jones and Gerald Celente discuss everything from terrorism to the economy and what is coming next.

Gerald is exactly right about the morality issue. There is no fear of God anymore. The elite think they are God and want us to believe that we can become gods. I don't want to get too preachy here but that is the oldest lie ever told "ye shall be as gods", secret societies like masons, illuminati, Rosicrucian's, Bilderberg and on and on worship Lucifer (remember bohemian grove) I have no doubt that those cremation of care ceremonies, supposedly in effigy are not. Messing around with dna, where have gmo's gotten us? They want to mess with living peoples dna, "to make us better" eliminate disease genes. Don't let them do it.

1 comment:

  1. this is military policy not foreign policy:
    economically the if the quantity of independent together are larger than the audience of the main media. you can switch automatically and the economy will not suffer in fact you will have more employers, the economy will improve. The EU is on a mess one end Syria, Gaza, israel,Iraq, the other end Ukraine, and washington that only has a military policy, washington does not know neither understands what is foreign policy. that could be the reason some people are worried of his military adventures, same as G W Bush 911 mystery. to action is NATO the tool of washington for his military policy; he does not have a foreign one, there is no diplomacy just one idea, military policy, similar to the police state, wars. so by Americans demanding to shut NATO down wars can be averted.
