Saturday, August 30, 2014

George Galloway -- Solution to stopping ISIS

The ISIL terrorist group continues to commit acts of violence against the people of Iraq and Syria amid strong local and international condemnation.

After ignoring the situation for months, US President Barack Obama finally authorized the use of targeted airstrikes to prevent the advance of the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Iraq.

Obama said that airstrikes could go on for months to protect both US personnel in Iraq and the religious minorities who are trapped by the militants on a mountain.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister David Cameron stressed that he “fully agreed” with Obama that “we should stand up for the values we believe in — the right to freedom and dignity, whatever your religious beliefs.”

Recently, Cameron’s office announced Britain’s decision to arm the Kurdish forces battling the ISIL in northern Iraq by transporting military supplies from other states.

The ISIL Takfiri militants took control of Mosul on June 10, which was followed by the takeover of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of the capital.

Tens of thousands of people have been displaced after their cities were captured by the ISIL militants.

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