Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fukushima Seafood - Jeff Rense - Fukushima Seafood

Jeff Rense and Bill Deagle on Fukushima and Fukushima Seafood. August 6, 2014."The Insanity Continues!"They Poison our Water, (Fluoride) They Poison or Food (Chemicals & GMO's) They Poison our Air (Chemtrails) Involve us in Wars (Everywhere) They Kill or Fish (Fukushima, 60 more plants on that soon to be destitute Island) And you doubt there's a Depopulation Agenda, Really? This is the only issue we should be talking abou

I wouldn’t eat any seafood . The Japanese have suffered a great deal, since the earthquake and melt down of the Nuclear plant. This is the ultimate in the Depopulation Agenda. This event has destroyed Japan and is beginning to effect the ocean life there and here, on our West Coast. They poison our water, (Fluoride) they poison our food (Chemicals & GMO’s) they poison our Air (Chemtrails) Involve us in wars (Everywhere) They kill our fish (Fukushima, 60 more plants on that soon to be destitute Island) If you don’t think they are after us, think again.

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