Sunday, August 17, 2014


The governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency and imposed an overnight curfew in Ferguson on Saturday, in an attempt to quell disturbances that have rocked the city since police shot dead an unarmed teenager a week ago.

The unexpected announcement by Jay Nixon, made at a raucous press conference, marked another shift in law enforcement tactics which have veered from overtly militarised to inclusive and conciliatory in an effort to contain protests over last Saturday’s killing of Michael Brown, 18.

Nixon, a Democrat, said the latest measure were necessary after a small group of looters smashed windows, lobbed bottles and ransacked three stores on Friday night. The looters sabotaged not community’s peaceful protests, he said.

“We must have – and maintain – peace,” he said. “The eyes of the world are watching.” The curfew was scheduled to start at midnight and be lifted at 5am, local time.

As the curfew approached, hundreds of people gathered in the main street where clashes have taken place over the past week.

Dozens of police officers dressed in riot gear, some holding assault rifles, started filing in more than two hours before midnight, lining the street and guarding store fronts from potential looters. Several people called abuse to them as they passed.

Ferguson Demonstrators Defy Martial Law Tensions rise in the wake of Friday night's looting and vandalism Below: Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson talks to Infowars prior to the curfew restriction, but is vague on curfew violation repercussions. reporters discover a martial law command center erected overnight in Ferguson, Mo., after last night’s chaos, where police in Ferguson fired tear gas amid more looting. Police presence is in question after St. Louis County and Missouri State Highway Patrol officers left the scene in Ferguson once looters began attacking businesses overnight.

Protesters believe the media has started to confuse the difference between themselves and the looters. Fights have begun on the streets as well as social media with some believing this has become similar to a game of chess.

According to one peaceful protester, several of them literally put their bodies in between the looters and the different businesses. She feels their efforts were forced after several police officers got into their cars and drove away.

Armored vehicles rolled back onto the streets of Ferguson early Saturday, as riot police faced off with looters in the Missouri town gripped by protests since the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black teen. The violence broke the brief period of calm that had settled over Ferguson, Missouri, after outrage over the shooting of Michael Brown spilled over.

Protests had started off peacefully in Ferguson on Friday night. Rev. Jesse Jackson linked arms with protesters, leading them in prayer and urging them to “turn pain into power” while fighting back non-violently,
Ferguson Fuels ‘kill switch’ Debate
Could give law enforcement the power to shut down cellphones during emergency situations, possibly including public demonstrations Let’s be honest – Ferguson, Missouri is under military occupation right now, and the entire world is watching in horror as militarized police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at unarmed protesters. Yes, the rioting and looting in Ferguson needed to be stopped. order out of chaos However, there is no excuse for the brutal tactics now being employed. , police snipers were even using laser scopes to target protesters that were obviously unarmed. Sadly, this is just a preview of what is coming to America in the years ahead. As the economy falls apart and people become even more angry and even more frustrated, there will be a lot more incidents of civil unrest like we have just witnessed in Ferguson. federal government and our overly militarized police will seek to crush those uprisings with overwhelming disaster movie.

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