Monday, August 11, 2014

End-Time Biblical signs and beginning of sorrows: July – August 2014

In July and early part of August 2014, we also witnessed extreme weather events and climate changes including massive earthquakes, signs in the sun and the moon, sinkholes, cloud outbursts (massive rainfalls), hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons and massive deaths of animals were witnessed around the world.


  1. Game of thrones: however since 1990 washington is at war on the middle east, this is the result, and indeed they could be anywhere as is an ideology. however this ideology is a consequence of wars waged on the middle east against Muslims, petrol wars. Ukraine another insanity, that coincides with the war in israel. this cocktail of wars, and Zionist Christians, Muslims, Islamic, bankers, economics, suffering and main media propaganda. not mentioning the technology boys that hope to have your brain on a plastic box so it can live forever, yes they preserve your brain, however the body is full plastic. surprise "this is the actual reality now" CRYONICS. no wonder the planet wants Jesus to return,
    however will he? and he probably remembers what happened the last time..!

  2. I have news for you Mr. Bremont, when the Lord returns, He will NOT return with an 'Olive Branch', but with a Sword! And yes, Jesus does remember what happened the last time; the question is, do we?
