Friday, August 8, 2014

Ebola Ready To Roll Over US - Dr. Henry L. Niman

Jeff Rense & Dr. Henry L. Niman - Ebola…Ready To Roll Over US

To date, there is no hard evidence Ebola is transmitted as an aerosol contagion. There do not appear to be any strains able to survive outside bodily fluids. It does not like cold climates. Like malaria, it is primarily a tropical disease. As far as the mainstream news stories go, all I’ve seen the MSM do regarding Gaza is a total whitewash. By looking at the headlines in western corporate media, you’d assume the bulk of the ordinance fired was from Hamas. In reality, Israel has dumped TWENTY TWO THOUSAND TONS OF AMMUNITION ON GAZA throughout this “Operation Protective Edge”; over 7,000 bombs/missiles from Israeli jets, over 15,000 missiles from Israeli naval vessels, and over 36,000 shells/rockets fired from Israeli tanks. Over 400 Gazan children are dead, most under the age of twelve. Some 9,000 more are wounded or severely injured. I have the funny feeling that future generations of humanity will use the term “Israel has a right to defend itself” as a means of comedy. That is, any time someone in the future wishes to make a sardonic remark about something being outrageously fake, being outrageously far-fetched, they’ll simply say, “Oh yeah, of course that’s perfectly true...and Israel has a right to defend itself.”

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