Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dinesh D’Souza - Obama Wants to Reduce America’s Influence Globally

Author and film producer Dinesh D’Souza has a new best-selling book and movie version out. D’Souza says, “In the movie called “America,” the subtitle is “Imagine a world without her.” When I came up with the subtitle, I thought of this as a thought experiment. Hey, let’s imagine what the world would look like if you didn’t have America. Well, when I look around the world now, I see that this is becoming a little more than a hypothetical. We are beginning to see what does happen around the world when American influence is diminished or subtracted. What happens? Number one, we see Putin increasing his aggression in the Ukraine. We see China modernizing its nuclear arsenal and building its weaponry. We see Iraq in flames. We see Iran consolidating its power and making a bid for domination for the Middle East. . . . It’s not as if Obama is fiddling while Rome burns. This is what Obama wants. He wants to reduce America’s influence in the world, and we are beginning to see what this world actually looks like.”


  1. Fantastic. I can't wait for the world to get rid of American influence. We have had enough of the arrogance and stupidity from those scumbags. We do not like the fact that America has murdered 30 million people since 1945 and also overturned 50 different sovereign governments. We don't need America's little friend Israel. Get rid of both of them. America is the friend of fascism. There are the Nazis of Ukraine, the fascist idiotic mass murderers of Zionism and all the rest of them like Pinochet, Papa Doc, Shah of Iran. Fuck America and may it be totally overrun by immigrants who are much better than the mass murderers of the Indian nations.

  2. basically if you the people elected murderers as presidents what do you expect death, police state, navy seals that die for jor biden, corruption deceases, unemployment a 99% that are becoming slaves. moreover this american barbaric democracy that nobody wants but Americans that love to have their own citizens killed by their own government. what can you make out of that. Americans do support the troops that die in Iraq for nothing besides the 1% while the 99 suffers, is normal that washington think Americans are dumb they are, benghazi, 911, Detroit, is a mess but Americans love it even if it is their mother and father that die for nothing somewhere in Afghanistan.
    tax money goes to israel to kill children's and to politicians and congressmen, imagine the murder government as the nation no longer exist is a land of the blind. No wonder america is where you the 1% can make it happen. and the 99% will slave for you for free...!
