Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cold War Alert! Standoff Between NATO and Russia Escalates!

Tensions rise as allies become enemies and enemies begin preparing for war. In the newest threat of global catastrophe, the U.S. and other NATO countries have screamed their warnings to Russia in an effort to calm this new Cold War that seems to be occurring. Undoubtably, we'll see this escalate, forcing Russia to strengthen it's partnerships with Iran, India, and of course, China.

Tensions boil over Ukraine as Russian convoy waits
Diplomatic efforts to douse an international firestorm over claims that Ukraine's forces destroyed Russian military vehicles ratcheted up Saturday as Moscow demanded that Kiev allow its mammoth aid convoy to cross the volatile border.
Kiev said Wednesday it could allow the aid to enter the country after it was inspected by Ukrainian border guards and foreign monitors.
Obama taunts Putin:
Obama joins EU in announcing expanded economic sanctions against Russia
Obama plans meetings with Baltic leaders, sending a message to Russia
Obama Warns Russia Against Further Intervention in Ukraine

1 comment:

  1. China’s Latest Moves in the “Range War”

    Are U.S. forces in the Pacific really “out-sticked” by Chinese missiles and aircraft with greater range? China’s ship- and submarine-launched antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs), such as the YJ-83 (range of 160 kilometers), the SS-N-22 Sunburn (up to 250 km) and the SS-N-27 Sizzler (300 km) outrange the U.S. Navy’s legacy Harpoon ASCM (124 km). In a surface naval battle, U.S. ships might have to endure a volley of Chinese missiles before surviving U.S. ships could sail within range to respond.Obama wars is reaching china and India India at war with washington the warmonger: Obama race-wars; against Caucasians and anti-Americanism Afro-Americans and now Chinese and Asians a new Hiroshima for OBAMA'S, "israel", ISIS,Iraq, wars..!! : 1776!! well alex wall street is cook no way to recuperate america the 1% america, bankers has collapse petrodollars is over ISRAEL as a bank is a thing of the past..! your america wall street AIPAC, Washington two party system have become illegal. the 99% have won is all on your hands..§ end of the fed democrats and republicans parties voters constitutions and even army navy and air force..! is over alex 1776 is here, the 1% have lost the war, end of AIPAC coming soon, find the new leaders this is 1776..!
