Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Central Bankers/U.S. Government Have Set The Stage To Bomb Syria

Argentina is not going to pay the creditors. Auto repos have soared to 70%. Caterpillar has been declining for 20 months in a row.This is worse than 2008. China getting ready to launch their global gold hub this September. An EU think tank is telling the Euro zone to prepare for mass rioting and protests. Low flying black helicopters flying over rooftops in St. Paul. Syria is warning the US not to fly into their air space to bomb the Islamic State. The US is setting the stage using the false flag beheading of James Foley. Many of the photos and video do not show a birth mark that James Foley has next to his nose. Be prepare for more events, the central bankers/US Government is preparing an event that will allow them to bomb Syria.

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