Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Central Bankers/US Government Are Now Preparing For Bail-Ins

If the bankers crash the dollar what will their wealth be in?? Dollars?? Gold?? Don't see how taking our money will help them, how much money do these bankers need??? We out number them by millions. Where are these bankers going to go after the fall?? Just questions I have. Are the bankers going to go into a bunker some where?? The bankers are killing the hand that feeds them. Who is going to grow food and make things when the world goes down?? Look for a bank holiday!! I do know that there is no recovery as food is going up, no jobs, real estate is not selling, and wars are breaking out.

French economy is now in a downward spiral and imploding on itself. Inflation is much higher than people think. Home prices are now leveling off and falling. Sales are declining. The US is preparing for bail-ins which they are now report that they are ready for a banking collapse. Riots continue in Ferguson and now the FBI is involved. Russia's food sanction are continually hurting the Western countries. Russia is delivering humanitarian aid to Ukrainian eastern people. More advisers are being sent to Iraq, US begins drone operations in Iraq and the US is now working with the new PM. Ebola is allegedly being reported that it is spreading.

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