Saturday, August 9, 2014

British Prince Wishes to be Reborn as Ebola "To Cull the Herd"

Royal Prince Wishes to be Reborn as Ebola "To Cull the Herd"

Nazi collaborator and racist advocate of mass genocide Prince Philip, a man who has often expressed his desire to return to the earth as a "deadly virus" to thin the human population, says that there are too many people in the world as he attacked large families in a television interview set to air this week.

"The duke hints that curbing family sizes may be the best means of keeping the soaring cost of staple food products, such as bread and rice, in check," reports the London Times.

“Food prices are going up,” he tells his interviewer, Sir Trevor McDonald. “Everyone thinks it’s to do with not enough food, but it’s really that demand is too great – too many people. Basically, it’s a little embarrassing for everybody. No one quite knows how to handle it. Nobody wants their family life to be interfered with by the government.”

Overlooking the fact that Prince Philip himself has four children and eight grandchildren, the article couches his comments in the fallacy that HRH is an "eco-warrior" and completely fails to point out that the Duke of Edinburgh’s enthusiasm for culling the human herd actually stems from his warped advocacy of eugenics.


  1. Prince Philip has a quirky sense of humour and that is not a bad thing; free entertainment for all.

  2. We should 'Cull the Herd,' starting with DEMONS LIKE THIS so-called Prince! Or how about starting with the IDIOT GLOBALISTS!!!! That's alright, God will get them sooner or later, you can bet on that! Oh and Philip, you're the GHASTLY ONE!
