Friday, August 22, 2014

BREAKING: Special Ops Deployed to Ferguson

The events in Ferguson, Missouri are a harbinger of things to come. In addition to the deployment of National Guard troops and the heavy militarization of local and federal law enforcement agents in the area, it looks like private special operations contractors with experience in middle east war zones have been asked to help.

Their mission is not clear and no one in any official government capacity is saying anything. But according to a tweet from Asymmetric Solutions on Tuesday, private contractors have been requested in the Feguson/St. Louis area. The company is a division of Applied Defense Technologies, which employs ex-special operations members like Navy Seals, Army Rangers, and Delta Force operatives, often to high-risk theaters of war in places like Iraq and Afghanistan


  1. Dabu 7 just trying to stir the pot. These marc's were deployed as additional security detail for Eric Holder, nothing else.

  2. Not exactly reassuring, anonymous
