Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Are You On Obama's 'Secret' Terrorist Watchlist?

Nearly half of the people on the U.S. government’s widely shared database of terrorist suspects are not connected to any known terrorist group, according to classified government documents obtained by The Intercept.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is looking for contractors to supply 40-yard size dumpsters along with experts who can dispose of contaminated bio-medical waste during a national emergency.

The Request for Information (RFI) appears on the FedBizOpps website and asks for, "feedback from waste removal industry vendors that can potentially provide either dumpster service and/or bio-medical waste collection and removal services during emergency response events within the Continental United States (CONUS) area of responsibility."

FEMA will undoubtedly claim that this is merely part of routine preparations for national health emergencies which may or may not happen, although that hasn't stopped some from expressing concerns that the federal agency is gearing up for a major pandemic such as the H7N9 bird flu virus to hit the United States.

One website linked the dumpster order to a previous FEMA solicitation seeking 100,000 "Doctor Scrubs" pants and shirts to be delivered within 48 hours to 1,000 tent hospitals nationwide. Contractors responded to the unusual request by stating that they were unable to fulfil such an "armageddon scenario."

China is currently experiencing a surge in the H7N9 virus which has left dozens of people in critical condition, with several deaths.

In early 1918 the Spanish flu was nowhere on the radar. A couple years later, by the end of 1920 over 500 million people had been infected and about 100 million were dead -- roughly 5% of the world's population.

According to the government, their plans call for a minimum of 2 million dead and 5 million hospitalizations should a viruses such as the H7N9 flu strain or a respiratory coronavirus (MERS-CoV) mutate into a more deadly and contagious form. If a flu pandemic strikes, about 30 percent of the U.S. population could fall ill, with 3 million hospitalizations and 2 million deaths. Basic services, such as medical care or essential supply deliveries, will probably be disrupted.

The estimates above call for a flu pandemic with a mortality rate of approximately 2%. But, as we have seen with pathogen mutations as of late, the mortality rate may be underestimated and could far exceed what the government predicts. The H7N9 airborne virus, first identified in Asia earlier this year, has seen a mortality rate of 20%, leaving researchers examining the virus to conclude that we "should definitely be alarmed and get prepared for the worst-case scenario" The potential impact of pandemic influenza (Pl) on military operations is significant.

Those who fail to follow the rules or have no home to retreat to will likely be interned inFederal Emergency Management Agency refugee camps, much like the small (but ineffective) centers we saw pop up in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Most people simply don't believe that such a reality exists. But it elite nwo agenda mh17 russia gaza israel zion does. Right now, somewhere on this planet, a virus is mutating. Perhaps it is on a chicken farm in China, or a pilgrimage in the middle east, or it may be spreading through a school in your neighborhood. who

They won't tell the general population until it is too late, so you'll have to make the decision yourself if you suspect a virus is spreading and has a high rate of infection or mortality. Such information will likely become available first through alternative news, much like it was during the spread of the H1N1 virus in 2009. mass graves coffins american blackout demcad zombie

While globalists like Bill Gates are feverishly working on ways to reduce human population through vaccines, GMOs and abortions, an even more effective population killer is now emerging: drug-resistant strains of "gram-negative" bacteria: Superbugs.

The global abuse of antibiotics and the rise of drug-resistant superbugs has become an urgent issue of survival for the human race, and even mainstream medical experts microbiological doomsday scenarios if the situation isn't reversed.


  1. if you got a nice ass you'll be on his watchlist

  2. well alex you got an open door now for your 1776. as reality. and american citizens are put to the test as the government, because you can legally ask now who are the terrorist that the NSA has on its list.

    OBAMA and the american government put to the test if washington does nothing about the israelis war crimes..!! and there are no crimes against humanity, no Nuremberg for BIBI it means we are all terrorist the 8 billions of us humans. and we shall also see as fact that the UNITED NATIONS IS A NAZI REGIME and Ban KI MOON is no different than HITLER. that the Jewish AIPAC in fact is more an ethnic cleansing bunch than real humans. Europe an accomplish of war crimes and eventually it shows that america does not have a government.

    if the government fails to condemn israel it means we are all terrorist. you and the world..! it also means you do not really have a government and makes OBAMA just a face an actor ! therefore if you do not have a government who-runs the show and what is the use of political parties and barbaric democratic elections.
