Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Analyzing Differences between al Qaeda and The Islamic State

Stratfor's Vice President of Tactical Analysis Scott Stewart and Military Analyst Paul Floyd discuss the different strategies and tactics of al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

It would also be fascinating to understand the relationship between the Islamic State and the Al Qaeda franchises in Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, And Libya. I know that the AQ core is not friendly to IS, but perhaps the success of IS has made it more attractive to these groups. Also, isn't it a matter of time before IS sets up training camps for broader, far reaching terrorist attacks?

1 comment:

  1. driving a car: action and reaction, this Afghanistan adventure has morph into a point, were all converge the middle east. the military policy has giving this as a result. what was the objective of the Afghan war? the consequences are this morphing of conflicts all around the same land space, culture, ideologies and religions. it goes from Afghanistan to Africa, north Africa. somehow they could converge blend and them the whole middle east will change face, washington will probably has to leave the area, and petrol that becomes a ? Iran so far is the only stable nation on the region and the last one. develop foreign policy, you do not have one and looks ignore what it is. as only a military policy will ruin you eventually.
