Sunday, August 31, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (8-31-14) Dr. Michael Coffman & Larry Klayman

On this jam-packed Sunday, August 31 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest headlines and is joined by Infowars reporters Lee Ann McAdoo and Jon Bowne to discuss nuclear dangers on the California coast. Infowars writer Paul Joseph Watson also breaks down two articles on more than 20 verified conspiracies. On today's show, Dr. Michael Coffman will examine President Obama's move to bypass congress to sign a UN-backed climate change deal. Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman will then join the worldwide broadcast to discuss the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel as well as his RICO lawsuit against Obama for providing material support to Hamas. Klayman also discusses recent contradicting statements from the IRS concerning Lois Lerner's hard drive.

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