Friday, August 8, 2014

ALERT! Global Economic Collapse Accelerating as Governments Lose Control!

 Banks reportedly discuss Argentina default exit
China Default Storm Seen as Record Private Bonds Mature
This is no recovery, this is a bubble – and it will burst
Stock market bubbles of historic proportions are developing in the US and UK markets.
Stock Market Bubble: These 2 Charts Should Scare You
Japan should submit a bill in the next parliamentary session to overhaul the structure of the 126.6 trillion yen ($1.2 trillion) Government Pension Investment Fund,

A financial crisis still looms, however this isn't just the U.S. Most countries around the world are facing direct aerial assault from the bankers and will undoubtedly be facing a detrimental COLLAPSE. Globally, the economies will sink to the bottom of this ocean, drowning those on board.

An unmeasurable amount of debt has been accumulated, governments running out of time, and central banks running out of schemes.

Time is up

1 comment:

  1. The US Federal Reserve is at the root of all of this. Owned and controlled by psychopathic foreign interests. Our country was allowed to be hijacked a century ago courtesy of President Woodrow Wilson and Congress, violating every anti-trust law on the books. Our US military is being used and abused solely for these greedy, blood thirsty elites. They care absolutely nothing about humanity or this planet which should be obvious to everybody by now. Ironically, today the USA now resembles Nazi Germany far more than the Republic of America. This cabal owns and controls all aspects of our; government, banks and Wall Street, law enforcement, main street media, schools, corporations, sports and entertainment, utilities, etc. They intentionally collapse economies in order to transfer even more wealth to themselves thereby weakening people and opposition through poverty, stress and trauma. They are the true "axis of evil" and should not be trusted ever again! They are vicious war mongers who incite catastrophic events for their own profit, insatiable greed for power and perverse need for inflicting pain on innocent, vulnerable, poor people worldwide. Depopulation and destroying entire cultures is just an added bonus to them. Covert operations and asymmetrical warfare is their current method of operation. Look up the history of the Bush family fortune which directly ties to Hitler and the Holocaust. Americans need to wake up, grow up and remember who we are as AMERICANS, that our Founding Fathers cared enough about us to protect us from all of this via the Declaration of Independence; we are not this feeble US Citizen that we've been brainwashed and conditioned to become in order to be exploited as a commodity for an elite few. Do your own research starting with the history of the US Federal Reserve which is the biggest fraud in American history. 9/11 could be a close second and when we really entered into the macabre theater of the absurd. There are mass protests being done all over the world by people that are informed and refuse to go along with the diabolical plan the cabal has in mind for us called the New World Order. These protests have been and are effective. Pay attention to world events as the collapsing EU is also a product of this cabal. We are all on the same boat so to speak. Putin is one of the few world leaders standing blatantly against the NWO and is absolutely not the one provoking war. Any public figure not trying to inform you of this reality is either in on it and getting well paid to keep it going, or clueless and therefore worthless. Red, blue or purple its all the same. Please take heed of my advice/warning regarding researching the above as knowledge is power for the masses and ignorance power for the masters- which is exactly how they see us, as tax and debt slaves! United we stand, divided we fall. "When people fear their Government you have tyranny, When Government fears 'We The People' you have LIBERTY!"
