Friday, August 8, 2014

*AGE OF DECEIT 2* (FULL) Alchemy and the Rise of the Beast Image

Many believe Alchemy is merely a false science with the hopes to transmute base metals into gold. In reality, alchemy is an occult metaphor for transforming the human being from our current fallen state into a godlike ascended state. Such desires to discover the elixir of life, known as the philosophers stone, that would give man longevity, and the return to our glorified state of being has been part of mythological lure for centuries. But with the advent of the scientific and technological advancement in our day, these occult dreams founded in the alchemical philosophy are now being fulfilled. The Bible seems to speak of a day when the false prophet, through the lies of Satan would create an Image that will have breath and speak, causing the world to worship the image, and take it's mark, or else be killed.

Is it possible that these future events spoken about in Revelation 13, are in fact unfolding right before our eyes? Does Artificial Intelligence, a hope for a singularity, and the advent of transhumanism, all play a role in the grand deception that will enslave humanity through the lie that the Mark of the Beast is actually the Philosophers Stone?


  1. likely individual minds which are destined to connect have not achieved that fact, the body appearance is individual however since the individual has something else call "mind, conscious" this particular "mind consciousness is universal and connects to all others mind, however inhabits individual bodies. the forms the structures the 3 dimensional beings are individuals, the internal content is the same, just like a nuclear plant. inside-outside. indirectly the mind reshapes the individual and it adapts itself. for 6 million years or 6 hundred years; time on this context is circular. inventions are usually communal, there are inventors, because it is the cooperation that creates the result. the minds working together, same as an I-phone_smart or other?, however on individual bodies. smartphones are individual, however all resemble to each others and they communicate. minds to the same just like smart phones.

  2. on the other hand there is a third element, outside the thora and the egyptians. perhaps not an atlanticist but something like it, an island a very large ship a large object a presence a force beings.
