Sunday, August 24, 2014

8 Reasons You Could See Global Economic Collapse!

Collapse of the financial system is guaranteed at this point. The Money GPS subscribers know this information but many of our friends and family are unaware. Once we have the facts, we can inform them by sharing this information. HYPERINFLATION is the most likely scenario at this point. Then you need to add on top the multitude of reasons why the US dollar will fall.
 Be prepared.

Is U.S. Hyperinflation Imminent? Russia and China Join Forces to Kill the U.S. Dollar The 'Colder War' And The End Of The Petrodollar US seeks nuclear war with Russia, China: Pundit Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown Massive GMO crop failure in Philippines Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)

1 comment:

  1. This essay would be better if it was presented as text. Video is a waste of time.
