Saturday, July 5, 2014

WORLD WAR Z -- Movie SECRETS Leaked and Exposed. Elite Agenda for a NEW WORLD ORDER

The message behind this year's upcoming and highly-anticipated zombie film is made clear in the book by the same name: only when nations consolidate into a world government, represented by the UN, can human civilization be preserved.

Max Brooks' "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" describes a decimated, dystopic world, and a leadership whose only solution is to round people up and put them to work in forced labor camps.

The book is a globalist's love letter to worldwide genocide against nation-states and individuals, ultimately yielding UN global rule, thanks to the zombies.

Far from the individualist storyline of The Walking Dead series, survivors in World War Z are rounded up into compact cities protected by UN militants and forced to carry out Marxist labor for the good of the group.

Anyone who owns firearms not in service by the UN is demonized and cast out of the group. Those too smart or too rebelious, or who are simply seen as not fit for future society, are used as bait for the zombies.

Although many will view the movie as just another cool, sci-fi zombie flick, the message embedded throughout the pro-genocide, anti-human publication should be fairly obvious. It is geared towards conditioning the public that humanity is ugly and needs to be exterminated.

If the book is any good indicator, the film will be a manifesto of UN psychological warfare simulation and war-gaming. World War Z declares war on mankind itself, with humanity as the enemy and the UN as the savior.

World War Z is an upcoming Anglo/American post-apocalyptic horror film directed by Marc Forster and written by Matthew Michael Carnahan. It is based on the novel of the same name by Max Brooks. Brad Pitt stars as Gerry Lane, a worker at the United Nations, as he searches the globe for information that can stop the zombie outbreak that is bringing down nations. secrets "world war z" ww3 "world war" leaked exposed agenda core book UN plan agenda survive zombie enemy humanity human submit communist zombies collapse city cities war message nwo "new world order" world government save israel

Plan B Entertainment secured the film rights in 2007 and Forster was approached to direct. In 2009, Carnahan was hired to rewrite the script to the film. Filming began in July 2011 in Malta on an estimated $125 million budget, before moving to Glasgow in August 2011 and Budapest in October 2011. Originally set for a December 2012 release, the production suffered some setbacks. In June 2012, the film's release date was pushed back and the crew returned to Budapest for seven weeks of additional shooting. Damon Lindelof was hired to rewrite the third act, but did not have the time to finish the script and Drew Goddard was hired to rewrite it. The reshoots were due to take place between September and October 2012. isis isil david icke we are change anonymous false flag attack iran nuke nyc

World War Z is due to be released on June 21, 2013.


  1. who is WE ? russia is not isolated, how, only way is if gas and petrol turn into sand. right or wrong, what makes you think you know washington ?. ukraine is joe biden's game. and is a us genocide recurrence. remember 1492 genocide, is the same today 1492-2014 tactics of genocide hitler acted no different than british invaders of america in 1492, israel does the same as the king of belgium in the 19 century. what the press says, and what happens on the ground are two different things. what happens on the ground is reality. however what happens on the mind is only subjective reality. it can be irrelevant to facts and concrete matter. you OBAMA president believe in principles however those principles might not exist at all.. the reality now america is a nation build on genocide, as that was the plan 1492 to get the land that you today consider yours. israel and hitler had the same plan israel palestine, hitler poland. from 1492 to today nothing much has change. as ukraine shows. ukraine is in europe however for america is the same as 1492, kill natives and replace them with our fellows. it does not work, europe had many wars and is nowhere now, america is gone and will collapse. so all this genocide from 1492 up to now is blending into a final show. so be prepare. is not nukes is something a lot worse. insanity, madness and global suicide.

    July 5, 2014 at 12:43 PM
