Thursday, July 17, 2014

Who Shot Down the Malaysian Airliner?

A round-up of the latest facts, speculation and the blame game surrounding the alleged shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine.


  1. justice follows logic
    & reason and is coherent, coherence makes real the tangible reality.
    who started the invasion of the freedom fighters, Kiev..! Who
    supports Kiev OBAMA OTAN-NATO. Why is there a war, because OBAMA, NULAN mcCain,
    WASHINGTON insisted on waging wars to Russia? answer to justice are those guilty
    on second degree which are: OBAMA congress, and NATO-OTAN. why the plane
    was hit, because wars. who is responsible of this war. Victoria NULAND
    the democratic party congress. now NATO on a court of justice will have
    difficulties to prove otherwise. hope OBAMA understands clearly. hope
    polichenco do understand that he is the principal guilty of this murder. as the
    crime was in Ukraine where he send troops against freedom fighters. freedom
    fighters are not invading KIEF. this is a logical and reasonable analysis as
    the cause is not the freedom fighters but those that created the problem on the
    first place. Russia has nothing to do with this as the useless congress of
    murder you got on the white house is the first suspect..."BENGHAZI"
    another murky murder unsolved..! so if American’s want justice this is your
    chance to show what justice is all about...!
    in gaza israel invades gaza, the freedom fighters of UKRAINE are not INVADING KIEV. do you see the difference. KIEF INVADES DONNESK. logic..reason outcome all this is OBAMA, NULAND AND NATO they are the guilty party.

  2. Putin was flying over the same area within an hour. The stripes on the Malaysian plane were white, blue and red. It does not take a genius to figure out why the Nazi putsch government tried to bring it down with a weapon the separatists do not have.
