Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What is going to be the tipping point for the US economy

The difference between Brazil and the US, is that the $ is the trading currency. Dropping the $ means the end of the $ as the trading currency which is very detrimental for the US because there is no artificial demand for $ anymore.

In this video, renowned Wall Street trader and financial commentator Victor Sperandeo and James Turk, director of the GoldMoney Foundation, discuss what the tipping point will be for the US economy, the dollar and the US government. In Trader Vic's view, Ben Bernanke and the Fed are hoping to inflate away the government debts and liabilities

1 comment:

  1. The US has been ripping off the rest of the world for too long. Their forex fraud has been a curse and it is time the US was removed from its privileged position with a currency reflecting its true value which amounts to zero.
