Sunday, July 6, 2014

US urges Israel to probe American teen Beating

15 Year Old American Boy Beaten By Israeli Soldiers Released From Jail On House Arrest

The United States has called for speedy investigation of an incident in which a 15-year-old American of Palestinian descent appeared to have been badly beaten by Israeli paramilitary police during riots in East Jerusalem. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki confirmed that the teen, Tariq Khdair, was being held by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem and said a consular officer visited him on Saturday.Scuffles broke out in Jerusalem over the recent abduction and murder of a Palestinian teenager. Israeli forces fired tear gas to disperse the angry protesters. Meanwhile, there have also been clashes in three mainly Arab towns in the northeast and center of Israel. The confrontations follow the funeral of the 16-year-old Palestinian whose burned body was found in a forest on Wednesday. Palestinians say the boy was killed by Israeli settlers. The attack came a few days after the bodies of three Israeli teenagers were found in a West Bank field. Tel Aviv blames Hamas for the incident. But the Palestinian resistance movement denies any involvement.


  1. If he had not had American citizenship there would have been nothing heard about his treatment. In fact he would have been treated much worse. A big boo hoo about 3 Israelis who were illegally living on stolen land on the West Bank, but nothing from America and nothing from Israel about all the Palestinians murdered in the last 13 years. It amounts to one Palestinian murder victim every 3 days.

  2. They beat up an American What you going to do America?
