Friday, July 25, 2014

U.S. BORDER FENCE Is Left WIDE OPEN Allowing Illegal Immigrants from Mexico to Walk Into USA

As infowars reporter Joe Biggs continues investigating the border in Hereford, Arizona he demonstrates how even when the border fence is in tact, it is constructed for easy access to accommodate illegal immigrants climbing over into the United States. Once again we continue to find a myriad of examples to show just how easy it is to come into the United States illegally.

An Infowars reporter recently demonstrated how easy it is to cross into the U.S. from Mexico by simply negotiating two steel barricades serving as a makeshift boundary in Arizona.

Illustrating the gaping holes and utter lack of security along the southwestern U.S. border, reporter Joe Biggs easily bypassed the meager barricades set up in American Border founder Glenn Spencer’s ranch in Hereford, Arizona.

“What i’m gonna show you is how easy it is if you’re an illegal alien trying to come across the border, or a drug smuggler, to come into America,” reports Biggs, before proceeding to permeate interstices in the border fence.

“You come right over through this,” Biggs says, as he maneuvers wide gaps between two steel barricades. “You come through here.. And ladies and gentlemen, I am in Mexico right now.”

Biggs later joked to the Infowars crew that he could virtually have continued on into Mexico where he could have purchased a taco, before easily making his way back into the U.S.

Glenn Spencer appeared on the Alex Jones Show on Monday to speak about his work with, and how his organization forced U.S. Customs and Border Protection to utilize Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to patrol the southern border.
Feds Use Border Collapse As Practice For Martial Law
FEMA is gaining plenty of experience in managing detention facilities

Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children for ‘asymmetrical warfare’
“In other words [the government is] assisting in the downfall of America..” By leaving strategic areas along the southern U.S. border unprotected, and by using children as the face of the illegal immigrant surge to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as “asymmetrical warfare” against the American people, a former U.S. Border Patrol agent is warning.

As the government allocates resources to South Texas, it is systematically leaving areas within the U.S., as well as vast swaths of land along the border, unguarded, outspoken former Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent Zach Taylor says in an excerpted clip taken from an upcoming documentary entitled, “Back to the Border.”

Northern Border Agent Pulls Gun on Boy Scouts Detained For Taking Photos As Southern Border Collapses
Agent points gun at boy scout's head after detaining scouts for taking photo of border official
Border Patrol Agents: U.N. Taking Control of America’s Southern Border
Under the pretense of labeling illegals "refugees," U.N. personnel are working with DHS to ship MS-13 gang members into U.S., says agent Two anonymous Border Patrol agents reportedly told radio host Dave Hodges that under the pretense of labeling illegal aliens “refugees,” the United Nations is “calling the shots” on America’s border operations and the U.N. is deciding which immigrants to ship to various parts of the U.S.

One of the agents said U.N. personnel are already present at various detention facilities in the American Southwest, according to Hodges, and are working with Homeland Security agents in “gathering MS-13 gangsters, captured from different roundups, patch worked together as a group and then shipped together to various locations on the perimeter of the United States.”

“I objected to admitting MS-13 gangsters into the U.S. and I was told that we have our orders to treat them like anyone else,” the other agent told Hodges.

Hodges says that he asked one of the agents how they knew the immigrants were MS-13 and he told him they could tell “by the tattoos.”
Border Patrol Admits Busing Illegals Is Immigration
Agent tells Infowars reporters that they're impeding the immigration of illegal aliens by standing outside Border Patrol station

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