Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Undeclared War Against the People

America is at war and it is government that is waging this undeclared war! Maybe they want to keep it secret, but I intend to expose it and here is my video, naming 20 fronts in this war, right off the top of my head. Perhaps you have 20 fronts of your own, in this undeclared war against the people. This video is dedicated to Dorli Rainey, an 84 year old Seattle woman who lived under the Aldolf Hitler regime and understands what's happening to America. She was savagely and brutally attacked by Seattle police who pepper sprayed her and almost killed her. Not many who lived under Hitler are still alive, so we have to respect what she is doing by protesting the thefts by government and their criminal associates, which caused the 'Occupy Wallstreet' movement

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